AR-15 Lower Receiver Takedown Pin

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Strike Industries take down and pivot pins are an essential addition to your spare/replacement parts inventory. Sturdy and reliable pivot and take down pins are best when you don’t have to worry about durability issues. Made with high quality materials and finished with a matte black coating, our pins are a great value. If you need the parts to keep your AR in top shape, look no further that S.I.
Strike Industries take down and pivot pins are an essential addition to your spare/replacement parts inventory. Sturdy and reliable pivot and take down pins are best when you don’t have to worry about durability issues. Made with high quality materials and finished with a matte black coating, our pins are a great value. If you need the parts to keep your AR in top shape, look no further that S.I.

Package include:
- 1 x Take down pin
- 1 x Pivot pin

- Essential lower receiver pin kit
- Durable industry standard specs
- Matte black finish